Climate Change Adaptation
The BRWP has been working towards adaptation strategies to climate change. Several resources are available on this page.
BRWP Climate Change Presentation by Duncan Noble
Duncan Noble, trained by former US vice-president and Nobel Laureate, Al Gore and the Climate Reality Project presented, ‘Climate Realities and What We Can Do’, a multi-media presentation on climate change and its impacts and solutions in three Bonnechere River Watershed location in the fall of 2013. TVCogeco covered the Renfrew presentation.
Watershed Implications of a Changing Climate
A presentation by Paul Lehman of the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority at the annual Renfrew County Stewardship Forum in February 2013. The presentation can be viewed here.
Our Watershed Our Future in the Face of Climate Change
A presentation given at Pikwakanagan in November 2011, by BRWP Chair Kathy Lindsay, as part of our Nature in Your Neighbourhood series. The presentation can be viewed here.
Climate Change Effects on Reservoir Operation Policies in the Mississippi River Watershed
Mississippi Valley Conservation (MVC) collaborated with University of Guelph to assess the climate change effects on reservoir operation policies in the Mississippi River Watershed. A summary of the project can be found here.