3rd Annual Renfrew County Stewardship Forum - May 9
Post date: Apr 15, 2014 2:29:04 PM
The BRWP in partnership with the Ottawa RIver Institute is organizing the 3rd Annual Renfrew County Stewardship Forum on Friday May 9th at the Marguerite Centre in Pembroke. The theme this year is 'Celebrating our Watershed - Trails and Tributaries', and runs from 9:30am to 3:30pm. Discussions will be based on presentations on the Trails Strategy by the County of Renfrew, and Stewarding Our Tributaries including an update by the newly formed Muskrat Watershed Council.
Please register by email to: info@BonnechereRiver.ca or info@ottawariverinstitute.ca by April 30th.
Cost is $18 per person and includes lunch and morning refreshments. (Registration fee will be collected the morning of May 9th.)