About Us
The BRWP is a community-based, volunteer organization established in 1998 as a project of the Renfrew County Stewardship Council, incorporated provincially as a not-for-profit organization in 2002 and registered as a Canadian charity in 2006. The work of the BRWP has generally been supported by a half-time coordinator and seasonal youth interns.
Our Mission, Vision, Values and Strategic Directions
Mission: To engage with others to promote awareness and inspire stewardship actions for the Bonnechere River and its watershed.
Vision: All parts of society care about watershed health.
We work to keep the watershed healthy by embracing the following values:
We work in collaboration to develop a shared, evidence-based understanding and long-term vision for the Bonnechere River and its watershed.
We are open-minded, respectful, constructive, and listen with good humour
to understand others.
We communicate messages that we hold in common and that have been agreed upon by the Board.
We find ways to collaborate and partner to share the workload and get improved results.
We value our volunteers, collaborators and partners and work to recognize their contributions.
We continually adapt and improve our programs to ensure long-term benefits for our environment, economy and society.
Strategic Directions:
Promote stewardship through active living in the watershed
Improve public awareness about our watershed
Understand the issues for our watershed
Build our collective capacity to take stewardship action
BRWP Strategic Plan
In 2014 the BRWP developed a new five year strategic plan.
Our 2014-2019 Strategic Plan is available for viewing here.
Why a Watershed Approach?
Applying a watershed approach to sustaining the Bonnechere River system is essential because everything along it is interconnected and events that occur in one place may affect other areas. A chemical spill, cattle watering in the river or a faulty septic system in Wilno, Golden Lake or Eganville can affect water quality downstream in Douglas or Renfrew. The actions of each person, living in or visiting the Bonnechere Watershed can have an impact on water quality or other aspects of the environment.
Many people living in or using the Bonnechere Watershed have an interest in the health of the system and are willing to volunteer their time and expertise to work cooperatively towards enhancing the quality and integrity of the watershed. By using a partnership approach there is an opportunity to combine resources, achieve greater local initiative, responsiveness and control.